Sport is an integral part of life at Eaton House The Manor Prep, whether boys are representing the school, their house, or simply learning to be part of a team.
The Manor can justly say it has a unique climate of sport for a Pre-Prep. Sport pervades all aspects of school life and the boys have an unquenchable thirst for it. They take both the broad range of the sports they are exposed to, and the depth to which we develop them at such a young age, absolutely in their stride. The younger boys take part in football, cross-country, basketball, dodgeball, tag rugby, gymnastics, hockey, swimming, cricket and athletics, to name just some. Our boys have weekly PE, games and swimming lessons (from Year 2) as well as enjoying various sports clubs and squads.
We really want all the boys to enjoy their sports as a natural counterpart to the academic rigours of the day and give them the opportunities to have fun and express themselves.
Prep School Sports
The boys go on to participate in a wide variety of sporting activities and have the opportunity to be involved in sport every day as we strongly believe that it is essential for a healthy lifestyle. We aim to ensure that every boy can be successful in at least one sport and hope that over time, the boys will find the sport that is right for them.
Every boy can be part of a team and we believe that this is important for their confidence and personal growth.
We require all the boys to play with passion and commitment, whatever their level. All boys are encouraged to play games in the right spirit, with good sporting behaviour promoted and celebrated.
There is a chance for outstanding sportsmen to receive ‘colours’ in recognition of their commitment, attitude, effort and ability and there are lots of opportunities for the boys to enter sporting competitions and challenges throughout the year from national competitions to house competitions.
Many will become so interested in playing a particular sport that they go on to join squads and specialist extracurricular clubs to help them progress faster. This is an important part of a boy’s day as it helps in the development of life skills and friendships as well as helping the boys develop their skills.
Alongside many other sports, football, rugby and cricket are at the heart of our sporting programme and competitive matches and competitions against other schools are a highlight of each week.
Click on the dropdown options below to find out more about our sports.