Kindergarteners Inspired by Head Boy Appointment

Posted: 13th September 2024

Categories: All Schools

The hallway of Eaton House Belgravia is newly decorated and modern, but features impressive heritage boards in wood and gold, dating back over many years to the school’s inception. One name that catches the eye is RW Hare, 1937-1938. Today is an important day as one boy is to be added to this illustrious roll call, under the watchful eyes of the whole school, and especially the Kindergarteners (KGs) or Reception Class. Aged 4, they are wide-eyed and respectful as they enter the linen-green painted Hall to gentle piano music, played by the Belgravia Head of Performance, Miss Georgina Maughan.

The big Georgian windows allow sunlight to stream in, emphasising that this is a beautiful day, as well as a big day for the Kindergarteners, after their first full week. It is also their first Friday ‘Merit Assembly’ when prizes and awards are handed out. For older boys it is the culmination of a long journey from age 4 to age 11, when Monitors, Champions, Co-Chairs, House Captains, Deputy Head Boy and Head Boy will be named.

Smiling, Mr Brendan, the Deputy Headmaster, enters with the school teddy bear. He asks boys to choose ‘voices off and ready to listen mode’ and they listen very quickly, especially when he calls out a few names of boys who have responded quickly. There is a House Point to be gained for listening quietly, so they all snap to attention, eager to win it.

Mr Montague enters and tells the boys it is a wonderful celebration of the community. The hymn ‘Shine Jesus, Shine‘ strikes up and voices soar on phrases like ‘Blaze spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.’ The Kindergarteners sit quietly, taking it all in, and Mr Montague kindly includes them from the outset, by thanking them for joining us and ‘sitting so beautifully, as that is important.’ The older boys troop in, and it is time to begin with the award of Merit Certificates for which boys stand and receive their claps. Mr Montague will deliver them in their classes later and shake each certificate winner’s hand.

The Headmaster tells the assembled boys, ‘It is important that you recognise your achievements and work hard every week, as we hope to award each and every one of you a certificate by the end of the year. One Year 1 boy is awarded a certificate for comprehensive cursive writing, another for an ‘amazing first week’ at Eaton House Belgravia. A Year 2, is a awarded a certificate for improved listening skills and following instructions. Mr Montague then invites the KGs to stand up, turn around and accept a  round of applause from the big boys for an ‘ excellent first week at Eaton House’. They stand there shyly and proudly, to thunderous claps, and know that they really belong. A few of them give little waves.

A Sportsmanship Award is given out for outstanding sporting spirit and for the recipient assisting his peers. This award shows the true breadth and purpose of merit awards at Eaton House Belgravia. They are there to develop character and to reinforce the golden rules of the school, not exclusively to praise academic merit, although that is important.

Monitors and Prefects are awarded their badges and told to ‘take on extra responsibility… see who you can help and what you can do, and the more energy you put into these tasks the more it will assist you to become the person you want to be in the future.’ The Library Captain will work with the Library Monitors ‘because the new library, opening in a few weeks, will need a lot of attention.’ The appointment of School Council Co-Chairs is significant, as these boys are ‘the voice of the pupil body, working with the teacher who represents the school for teachers to get the tasks that you want done, done.’

As a note of caution, Mr Montague warned that the ‘important positions in the school do not supercede anything that has been handed out today. We are a team and we work together, and it is important to do this collaboratively and responsively.’

Finally, the Deputy Head Boy, Gregory R., and the Head boy, Aiden D., are awarded their prized badges. ‘These are significant positions and these boys act as role models for younger students and indeed all pupils,’ says Mr Montague. ‘They must follow the Golden Rules at all times, and will have to do that for the rest of the year.’ More claps ring out and Mr Brendan awards that House Point for good behaviour.

Mr Montague asks the Kindergarteners to stand up and exit quietly. ‘It is your time to be role models for the school!’ It’s clear that they understand the heritage that they have become a part of and they follow the instructions beautifully. Who knows, maybe one of them will become Deputy Head Boy or Head Boy in time?

Prefect names, 2024-2025

Head Boy, Aiden D.

Deputy Head Boy, Gregory R.

Yellow House Captain, Ihor K.

Blue House Captain, Filippo F.

Red House Captain, Basil F.

Green House Captain, Juan P.

School Council Co-Chair, Maxi P.

School Council Co-Chair, Arjun P-G.

Library Champion, George H.

Drama Monitor ,  Brook Z.

Art Monitor, Haroun A.

Art Monitor, Lukas H.

Library Monitor, Hari H.

Library Monitor, Ayat I.

Music Monitor,  Sebastian K.

Music Monitor, Peter G.

Sport Monitor, Khaled A-S.

Sport Monitor, Kir K.



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